Rules and Regulations

Terms, Rules and Regulations for the Membership of the Society

Name of the Society

Consumer Protection Society.

Registration Office: Office is in Sangria. Work area limited to Sangria Tehsil.

The following qualifications are required to be the member:

  1. Residing in the work area. 
  2. Is an Adult. 
  3. Are not bankrupt and mentally challenged.
  4. Shows active interest in the Society. 
  5. Are not punished under the Consumer Act. 
  6. Types of MembershipOrdinary members. Honorary members. Founder members.

Fees for the membership: 

  • Category-Rs. 150/- 
  • Category-Rs. 500/- 

Removal from membership:  Death of the member.

Resignation by the member. 

  • On being punished by consumer courts. 
  • Working against the welfare of the society. 
  • Not submitting the membership fees. 
  • Decision for the removal to be taken by the Sabha consisting of Ordinary members and Founder members.

General Assembly:
The members defined in Article 5 should constitute the general assembly.

Rights and Duties of the Sabha:

  • To hold elections for the office. 
  • To evaluate the work of the Society. 
  • To debate and decide the membership of the society. 
  • To discuss the no-confidence motion against the President and his removal by 2/3 majority. 
  • Releasing of the annual budget and discussion on income and expenditure. 

Meeting of the Society:

  • Four meetings in a year emergency meeting on request of President.
  • Presence of 1/3 members to complete the quorum.
  • Members to be informed of the meeting 7days in advance.
  • Lack of quorum will lead to dismissal of the meeting that will be held again after 7days.
  • Written request of 1/3 members for a meeting, will be entertained by the President and meeting to be held within a month. If not 3 members can issue a notice and request the same.

Formation of the Working Committee:

Posts and members are as follows:

President: 1

Secretary: 1

Treasurer: 1

Members: 4

Honorary members:

  1. SDM
  2. Chairman, Sangria Vyapar Mandal, Sangria
  3. Chairman Nagar Palika

Elections of the Working Committee:

  • General Assembly elects the general members for the executive committee of the society for the term of two years.
  • Direct polling should hold election.
  • One President and six executive members will be elected and President appoints general secretary, treasurer from the elected members.
  • The working executive committee should appoint election Officer.
  • The SDO, Chairman Municipal Corporation Sangria and Chairperson Vyapar Mandal Sangria should be
    the honorary members of the executive committee.
  • Only those will vote who have been members of the Society in the past 6 months.
  • Election process to start in December and to be completed in 1st week of January.
  • List of members to be published in the last meeting.

Duties and Rights of the Working Committee:

  • Appointing and removing members.
  • Preparation of Annual budget and program.

Execution plans

  • Planning for the aims of the Society.
  • To appoint the employees of the society to decide their pays and allowances and relieve the employee.
  • Honorary members not eligible for voting.
  • President not eligible for voting. Vote only in conditions of an equalizer will vote when
    necessity arises.

Meetings of the executive committee

Every month one meeting is mandatory, which should be held on first Saturday of the month after deciding the place and time. Although the President and General secretary can call the meeting whenever it seems so. In the quorum of the meeting it should have President and four members of the executive committee. If the meeting could not be held due to sufficient quorum than next meeting will be held on next day on the same place and time, in this meeting the quorum is not necessary but the agenda should be the same. Whatever decided in this meeting will be passed in the next general body meeting.

The information of the emergency will be given immediately.

Duties of the President

  • Presiding the meetings
  • Voting in conditions of an equalizer.
  • Call of meetings.
  • Representing the Society.
  • Signing of all documents related to the society.

Duties of the Secretary

  • Helping the President.
  • Recording the meetings.
  • Working as Acting President in his absence/death.
  • To keep a check on expenditure and income.
  • Looking after the correspondence and office work.

Duties of the Treasurer

  • Collecting of Funds/charity/fees.
  • Record of income/expenditure.
  • Record of annual budget.
  • Executing work planned.
  • Treasury of the Society
  • Membership fees, Aid, Charity, Other aids.
  • The amount to be deposited in a Nationalized Bank. The treasurer has the right to keep Rs.200/-.
  • Dealing with bank requires the signature of both the President as well as the Secretary.

Rights related to the treasury

  • The abovesaid can spend an amount of Rs. 50/-, Rs. 100/ and Rs.200/. Expenditure exceeding the amount will be on the approval of the working committee.
  • Audit:-Financial Year is from January to December. The finances to be audited in the month of December.

Amendments in the laws of the Society

They will be done in accordance with the Act 12 of Rajasthan Society Registration Act 1957, with a majority of 2/3 members.

Closure of the Society

Can be possible with 2/3 majority. The property will be transferred to a society working for the same aims according to the Act 13 &14 of Rajasthan society registration Act 1957.

Register institutions of Hanumangarh have the right to inspect the  and their suggestions will be obeyed. Newspaper/updated news. 
Opinion Poll/Updated. Important Photographs. General information about Consumer Protection Acts & Rules etc.